New Release: Magical Irish Countryside, Expanded Second Edition

New Release: Magical Irish Countryside (Second Edition)

I’m really excited about this new Second Edition of my bestselling book, Magical Irish Countryside — Vol. III in the Mystical Moods of Ireland series!

What’s the big deal? Well, not only does this book feature a new cover, it now has 160 pages — that’s 54 new pages filled with my images and tidbits of Irish history.

You can read more about this book here.

Along with this new edition, I’m happy to announce that all of my books are now available for digital download through:

The glossy softcover print versions are available through:

You won’t find them in bookstores yet as the distributors require a much higher price than I am willing to charge.

I’m committed to making sure as many people as possible have the opportunity to enjoy the magic of Ireland through the pages of my books, which is why I’ve arranged a couple of special gifts for you.

You can now instantly download the digital versions of the first two books in my Mystical Moods of Ireland series free of charge when you subscribe to my updates. Get the free books here!

I genuinely appreciate all of your wonderful comments and look forward to continuing to share the beauty of Ireland and our world.
