Double rainbow in the hills of County Clare, Ireland

Double Rainbow Over County Clare

Double Rainbow Over County Clare, Ireland

Here’s one of my favorite shots capturing the spirit of ‘quintessential #Ireland’ with the brilliant green Irish countryside spotlighted by a double rainbow on a tranquil summer evening.

This image appears in Mystical Moods of Ireland, Vol. II: Enchanted Celtic Skies.

This atmospheric phenomenon comes to us courtesy of the low evening sun and a gentle rain shower, splintering the rays of light into this prismatic display.

So where’s the pot of gold? Well, it’s not at the end of the rainbow, as the popular myth promises. In fact, the tale of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is actually a complete convolution of a 17th Century Irish saying — that you’re as likely to find a pot of gold, as you are to find the end of a rainbow!

As for the Leprechauns, the jury’s still out on that one…

New Release: 'Mystical Moods of Ireland: Magical Irish Countryside'
Summer Dreaming on the River Nore
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